Sumfleth - Buxtehude / zum Felde - Altes Land

Emma Dorothea JARK, 18441932 (aged 87 years)

Emma Dorothea /JARK/
Given names
Emma Dorothea
Married name
Emma Dorothea /SUMFLETH/
Birth July 27, 1844
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
MarriageBerthold Carl August SUMFLETHView this family
October 6, 1873 (aged 29 years)
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
Death of a husbandBerthold Carl August SUMFLETH
July 31, 1927 (aged 83 years)

Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015 Nr. 57
Death January 19, 1932 (aged 87 years)
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
Last change December 4, 202120:28:54

Family with Berthold Carl August SUMFLETH
Birth: October 14, 1842 45 35Döse, Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen, DEU
Death: July 31, 1927
Birth: July 27, 1844Groden, Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen, DEU
Death: January 19, 1932Cuxhaven, Niedersachsen, DEU
Marriage MarriageOctober 6, 1873Hoboken, New Jersey, USA
BirthAhnentafel J. A. Sumfleth
BirthAhnenrolle Somfleth / Sumfleth
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
MarriageAhnentafel J. A. Sumfleth
MarriageAhnenrolle Somfleth / Sumfleth
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
DeathAhnentafel J. A. Sumfleth
DeathAhnenrolle Somfleth / Sumfleth
Citation details: Stammbaum III Bild 015
SourceAhnentafel J. A. Sumfleth
SourceAhnentafel J. A. Sumfleth