Ahnenrolle Somfleth / Sumfleth - 012

Häufig gestellte Fragen

Die Nutzung dieser Website
What makes this website unique?
What are the main special features of this tree?
Do I need an account for access? If so, how do I apply for one?
Why do I need to register?
How long does it take to have my registration approved?
I have registered and have been approved but I cannot see any names or details regarding to living people.
How do I input data?
Can I add/edit/update the data of any of the indivduals on the tree?
I experienced trouble trying to edit the tree. What should I do?
What about privacy?

Die Nutzung dieser Website

Sie können über die Menüoptionen  durch die Website navigieren. Ein guter Ausgangspunkt  ist der Menübaum Liste mit den Nachkommen des Stammvater dieses Stammbaumes. Die Nachkommen sind alle Nachkommen des Stammvater und einer Auflistung der wichtigsten Ereignisse.

Klicken Sie auf einen Namen um in die Detailansicht der betreffenden Person zu gehen.

Sie können auch in der Seitenleiste oben auf einen der Favoriten klicken oder die Suchfunktion oben rechts nutzen.

Darüber hinaus können Sie die verschiedenen Diagramme, Listen und Statistiken verwenden, die unter dem Menü "Ansicht" zu finden sind.

Wenn Sie auf einen Baum neben einer Person und über sie mit der Maus bewegen oder anklicken, werden Sie alle Optionen für die einzelne Person sehen.

Hier klicken für eine Übersicht von allen Personen in diesem Stammbaum.

Vergessen Sie nicht, auch die Fotos und andere Dokumente anzuzeigen. Die vollständige Liste finden Sie unter dem Medien-Menü.

What makes this website unique?

Most genealogy sites show the tree in different ways, but none of them can be configured, changed, or updated by you. Only the site administrator can perform updates.

This website is interactive. Anyone whose family is in this extended tree can update, add, and make changes to their close branches after retrieving permission by the site administrator.

What are the main special features of this tree?

With this website you can:

  • Keep privacy of living people; the site administrator determines whom you can see.
  • Enjoy many possibilities to view the tree: as different charts, reports, or lists.
  • It's a collaborative tree; with the site administrator's permission, everyone can take part in updating the tree.

Do I need an account for access? If so, how do I apply for one?

This website does NOT require registration to gain access to data on deceased individuals. However, to contribute or to see facts on presumed living relatives, you will need to register and advise us of your relationship.

Why do I need to register?

Only registered users (who are a part of this pedigree or have relatives in this pedigree) can see names of living people. When you are not registered you will only see "Private" instead of the names of living people.

It does not make sense to register if you are not a part of this pedigree or not related to anyone in this pedigree.

How long does it take to have my registration approved?

Approval of the new user account must be done manually by the site administrator. Usually it will take less then 24 hours.

I have registered and have been approved but I cannot see any names or details regarding to living people.

In order to see names and details of living people (only of your close branches), you or a relative must be a part of the tree. If you belong to this group but you do not have access to the information you want, send a message containing the necessary information to the site administrator: Hauke Sumfleth.

How do I input data?

Here are a few pointers for users who are approved to EDIT online. (You may also send your updates by email.).

HELP: Help is amply provided on the site. Behind most links and terms with the "?" image you will find the help information. If you are still confused, simply ask us via email.

CHANGES and ENTRIES: Changes to existing data for a person or family will not appear until they have been approved by the site administrator. When you make changes, the site administrator will automatically be notified and can thus assess and accept the changes. Only after changes have been approved by the site administrator, they are visible to other users.

NAMES: Entering of names is pretty straight-forward via the form and help is provided. The form should already have expanded fields. If not you could expand the fields by clicking the corresponding + sign.

  • NAME PREFIXES are usually titles or honorifics such as Dr.,  Ing., Drs., Judge, etc. Ordinary honorifics such as Mr. and Mrs should not be entered.
  • GIVEN NAMES are the first and middle names usually selected at birth.
    We enter the given name with an initial uppercase letter. The rest of the name is entered in lower case letters.
  • SURNAME is the family or last name. This is the birth name for a married person, and not the surname assumed after marriage. See married name below. When name changes occur after birth, these additional names can be entered separately after the person has been recorded in the database. They can also be entered as AKA (also known as) names.
    We enter the SURNAME with an initial uppercase letter. The rest of the name is entered in lower case letter.
  • NAME SUFFIXES are Jr, Sr, III, etc.
  • NICKNAME is the name commonly used for the person if different from their given name; e.g. Jack would be the nickname of John "Jack" Arnold, Daniel Wilson Avery had the nickname Tuggy, and many Margarets have the nickname Maggie, Nancy, Peggy, Polly, etc.
  • MARRIED NAMES are the person's new name when assuming the spouse's surname) It is auto-created by the program when you enter the new surname in the Married Name field. i.e. Mary Jane Smith marries John Jones and becomes Mary Jane Jones when you enter Jones in the Married Surname field. Married names are not gender-specific; you can enter a married name for persons of either gender.

DATES: We use the GEDCOM v5.5 standard format. DD MMM YYYY or 01 JAN 1822 instead of January 1, 1822 or Jan 1, 1822. The system can make some minor corrections to input errors, but you should not depend on this.

PLACES: We try, wherever known, to include the full place descriptive: city and/or township as well as the County, State and Country. For countries, we use the GEDCOM-approved 3 letter standard abbreviation rather than the country name: Netherlands [NLD], England [ENG], France [FRA], Italy [ITA], United States of America [USA], etc.

There are two helpful methods of acquiring a place's correct format:

  • use the tiny "world" icon adjacent to the Place field to see what places are already entered in our database. This is a good way to look up a city's county if you don't know it as it probably already exists in our data. Use the filter to narrow your search and simply click on the desired result which will then be copied to the empty Place field.
  • click on the + sign below the Place field. You will see an additional series of fields for country, state/province, county, city. Next to the country field is a drop down list of countries with their standard 3-letter designation.

FAMILY: Facts pertaining to the creation or modification of a family unit are entered on the Close Relatives/Family Link page. This is where you note marriages, divorces, children, family census - any fact or event that affects the family unit. We find when adding several children, it's best to bring up the VIEW FAMILY link for that husband/wife and add each child via the link at the bottom, 'ADD a CHILD to this Family'. It is faster than using the Close Relative page as with each addition it defaults back to the View INDI page rather than the Close Relative page. Any questions? Just ask if you don't understand. Corrections, advice, and help are readily and freely offered.

SOURCES and CITATIONS: In genealogy, it's not enough to simply say something "happened on such-and-such a date". Historians like proof. We do too! Please provide whatever information you have as to the source of the information you are providing. Look over the various sourcing notations available and use the NOTES option when in doubt or you need space to write. Put in more than you think may be necessary, it won't be too much. Any questions? Just ask if you don't understand and we'll be happy to assist.

MEDIA: We really appreciate your addition of pictures, Birth Certificates, Marriage Licenses and Certificates, Death Certificates - anything you've got for support. Members with edit rights can upload these images themselves by using the ADD MEDIA link and Upload/Browse feature.

When entering new media, consider a naming convention that is unlikely to conflict with existing media. The system allows you to browse your hard drive and upload the document with an entirely different name, retaining your local filename intact. Just imagine how many "john.jpg" files there could be (well - only one) but you could possibly overwrite an existing file if you don't change the filename. We like to keep them short (less than 35 characters) but descriptive - something like J_Name-b1820-I23445.jpg or K_Name-I23444-Headstn.jpg. If in doubt, please, simply ask us.

If you have any trouble uploading your images or if you have no rights to upload the images yourself please send your digital images to us by email and we are happy to add them on the site for you.

NAVIGATION: We navigate using the CIRCLE DIAGRAM function and the ancestor and descendancy charts. Try them. Remember that many functions do not work until you have let us create your own personal INDI fact page, linked from your ancestors.

Can I add/edit/update the data of any of the indivduals on the tree?

Yes. You must be part of the tree, and allowed to edit online. You can only make changes or add your own and close branches. You may also submit your updates by email.

I experienced trouble trying to edit the tree. What should I do?

You can email your updates/changes/additions to the webmaster: Hauke Sumfleth.

What about privacy?

We believe the protection of personal information is very important. Webtrees privacy functions are excellent in enforcing some privacy rules - primarily our site hides details about people who are alive or those to whom you are not related. Viewing details of living persons will require you to log on to the site with a userid and password. This is linked to your place in the family tree. Registered users who are not a part of the tree obtaining the same privacy settings as visitors. They would not see any information regarding to living persons.

Our site also uses the "relationship privacy" in PhpGedView. This feature allows you to view only the information of individuals defined as close relatives. If you are logged in and see certain individuals or families marked as "Private", then this site feature has been activated. If you feel your viewing access is too limited, please email the site admin and explain, where you were blocked and why you believe you should see this information.